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Welcome To Kabouterland Educare

Parent Feedback
"Liewe Kabouterland Personeel
So is nog n jaar op sy einde en hierdie mamma-hart is so effens in twee gedeel.
Vir die laaste 4 jaar is daar elke weeksoggend by julle deur ingestap en Logan is in julle sorg geplaas. Later die dag is sy besige boetie, Brian, ook gaan haal. Ons het hul dan eers weer in die middag laat kom haal. Dis amper 10ure vir Logan en tussen 5 en 3 ure vir Brian. In daardie tyd was ek nie vir 'n oomblik bekommerd oor die welstand van my kinders nie, want ek weet elke liewe persoon in die skool het 'n onbeskryflike liefde en omgee vir elke liewe kindjie wat dag na dag, week na week en selfs jaar na jaar terugkeer skool toe.
Daar is doeke geruil, neusies afgevee, eerste woorde gedeel en ek is seker selfs n paar eerste treë. Daar is saam gebak en brou, gesing en dans, gelag en laf gewees, trane afgevee en pleisters geplak en gestraf wanneer dit nodig was. Daar is vir ons kinders lewenslesse geleer, bybelstudie gedoen, stories vertel, lekker kos gemaak, agter hulle skoongemaak, oor hul gewaak terwyl hulle slaap en toesig gehou op die speelgronde terwyl hulle heerlik baljaar.
Elke een van julle was n steunpilaar vir ons kinders, in die tyd wat ons as ouers nie by hulle was nie. Julle lê die fondasie, saam met ons as ouers, in ons kinders se lewe. Hoe sê 'n mens dankie vir so iets? Geen woorde, geskenke of geld kan genoeg dankie sê vir dit wat julle elke dag vir ons kinders doen nie.
So kom hierdie hoofstuk van my seun se lewe ook tot n einde en ons betreë die volgende hoofstuk, "die grootskool”. Hartseer om totsiens te sê, maar tog opgewonde vir die nuwe uitdagings wat voorlê.
Ek is opreg dankbaar vir alles wat jul deur die jare vir Logan en Brian gedoen en beteken het. 'n Stukkie van my hart bly hier agter soos ons hierdie hoofstuk sluit en ek sal die laaste 4 jaar nooit vergeet nie.
Weereens duisende dankies vir elke liewe persoon, wat op hul eie manier, elke dag 'n klein hartjie aanraak.
Ek wens julle almal 'n Geseënde Kersfees en voorspoedige Nuwe Jaar toe.
Liefde groete
"Dear Kabouterland Staff
So another year has come to an end and my mom-heart is slightly divided.
For the last 4 years, every weekday morning I have walked in your door and Logan has been placed in your care. Later that day, his busy little brother, Brian, also comes. We only come and pick them up again in the afternoon. It is about 10 hours for Logan and between 3 and 5 hours for Brian. At that time, I wasn’t worried for a moment about my children’s well-being because I know that every dear person in the school has indescribable love and care for every child that day after day, week after week and even year after year return to the school.
Nappies were changed, noses wiped, first words shared and I am sure even a few first steps. Together they baked and brewed, sang and danced, laughed and were silly, wiped away tears, applied plasters and were punished when necessary. Our children were taught life lessons, Bible studies were done, stories were told, delicious food was made, they were cleaned up after, watched over while they were sleeping and supervised on the playgrounds while they were having a great time.
Each one of you was a pillar of support for our children in the time that we as parents were not with them. You lay the foundation, together with us as parents, in our children’s lives. How does one say “thank you” for something like this? No words, gifts or money can say thank you enough for what you do every day for our children.
This is how this chapter of my son's life comes to an end as we enter the next chapter: "big school". We are sad to say goodbye, but excited for the new challenges ahead.
I am truly grateful for everything you have done and meant to Logan and Brian over the years. A piece of my heart remains here as we close this chapter and I will never forget the last 4 years.
Once again, thousands of thanks for each dear person, who in their own way, touches a small heart every day.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Kabouterland Educare was founded in 1973 - 51 years ago.
Kabouterland Educare is registered with the South African Childcare Association, who assists nursery schools with registrations at the department of education, and offers annual First Aid Training Certificates to all Kabouterland Educare Personnel. The Kabouterland Educare teachers all hold a NQ level 4, or NQ level 5 Qualification.